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On android, there doesn't seem to be a quick menu, or an option in settings to enable one, which makes it so I can't save until I'm in the free roam mode, am I missing something particularly obvious to enable it?  Loving the game so far!

Hmm... that's not good. It should be there and is on my test device, but someone else also complained about the problem in the past. I'll see if I can upload a hotfix.

Awesome!  I'll keep an eye out for it 👍👍


I've uploaded a new version. It automatically turns on the quick menu whenever you start the game and you can manually toggle the quick menu in the options. Hopefully it helps.

 Works like a charm!  I'll have to make my way through the story again, but no big deal now that the skip button is there 😁

Can't join Discord server, the link is invalid

I'm not sure why. I just tried it and it works on my side.

Can you do me a favor and send me a new link please

I need to confirm if it is a problem in my end

(1 edit)

Sorry, it's a problem in my end. I still can't join the server. I can't join the server after my previous account was hacked and got banned 😭

That happens quite often. If you tell me your name I might be able to unban you.


395 games graphic are amazing. but we need more voice content.and thanks for this amazing stories 🤝.and I hope we will see more content like this from you.And i appreciate you hard work.


im going to buy this game solely because you nailed the booty wiggle and pussy grip motion on doggy. so many VN has the awkward twitchy hump thing goin on. the grip/spread animations are S tier! kudos


Hey i just saw that this is on Itch, i am a great fan of your other game, but i need to budget my spendings so i just want to ask if you will give a warning before the price will go up so i can plan accordingly and prepare ?


I'll make sure to communicate it properly, when it happens.


OK, I feel really stupid asking this but I'm new to these games and I'm just at the beggining. I have the hat, and I recall being told I have to, "present it," but I cannot figure out how to do that. Can someone please help? Thanks.


Talk to the blob person with the lantern, than select the clue from the inventory and press the "present" button.


I feel really silly now. I don't why I didn't see the button before, maybe I tried to activate at the wrong time during the discussion. I appreciate the polite answe. Thank you for your time. Enjoying the game very much,

It happens to the best of us : D


Hello dear creator,

thanks for putting all the work in and starting to make another game, after Mist was absolutely fantastic. I played it from start to end, loved it and followed it for a long time. It was absoltuely greate game :)

On your new project I'd also like to offer some perspective that has been brewing inside my head for some time now and maybe you appreciate the candid feedback. If so, please continue reading. If not, just stop now and leave with the highly felt appreciation for Mist :)))


My feeling for Morn is, that as your next project, it is suffering a bit from trying to outdo Mist, trying to make it all bigger, better ... More fantastic etc. I do not feel the connection to it, the way I did with Mist within the very first minutes.

When I thought about it, here are some reasons for me

- Mist had a super relateable MC. You could picture him, driving up there and how it all came to pass for him. You felt him and his agenda / priorities. The MC in Morn feels much more unrelateable. He is not a human, or is he? I still don't know what he exactly is, what his agenda is? Where he comes from? Who am I? This is a big issue for me, as I should be the MC, but I cannot connect to him.

- The Story in Mist started super basic. Developed gradually and increased in fantasy level, until you had a full blown high-fantasy that rocked your world. The Story in Mist enters already super high-fantasy from the start, which makes it also hard to catch on to it. Also I wonder where it will still go. There is hardly space left to go higher. So I guess it will be hard to build a real bow of tension.

- The side character in Mist were added one by one, always with building a relationship. You saved them, you formed a connection to them. There was some personal sharing. The side characters in Morn are going very much for the "Mystery and Cool" trope, that makes them more two dimensional and harder to relate. Also I feel the relation of her being your mistress, but then pulling back for no real apparent reason. I feel like I am still hanging in a void, where every time I think I can grasp someone as a character she disappears again behind her vail of (unnecessary) mystery.

Overall, as I said, I feel you try to go all cool, mystery and high-fantasy, already starting at 9/10 on each scale - which makes the story harder to relate to. Which is a shame I feel.

I hope you can do something with this feedback :)

Best of Luck with all next steps! Keep on rocking!

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the effort that went into it and I'm just gonna say that Children of Morn is far from being a finished game and there is still plenty of new content and fine-tuning ahead. I'd love it if you were to keep playing and let me know your thoughts again a year or two from now.

PS: I can't say anything about the story without spoilers, but let me just tell you that I have plenty in store for the story of the game. This mystery is far from being solved.


I trust you have great ideas in store :) Keep going and keep it cool. I am sure it will turn into a great game.

At the same time, I remain adamant in my feedback, that I believe the early hours of the game need story refactoring to make it more relateable and make a genuine connection with the MC. So it is less about what is yet to come, and more about what we already have in hand today :)

Due to Android 13 restrictions, I can't move my save from v02 to v03, even when trying on computer. Do you have any tips on how to move the saves?

Does android 13 not allow to access your folders? I really don't know, my phone is old. If so, you might have to start anew and your only option is to skip through content you've already played.

I might be able to include a seperate save folder that is persistent across versions in the future, but I can't guarantee it. In the past that feature made it completely impossible to play the game on older phones and I haven't found the perfect solution yet.

Either way, if you can't manually transfer your saves right now, you'll have to wait for future updates or start anew. I don't know any other methods.

Thanks for the answer!

Unfortunately, yes, Android 13 is very limiting if you don't root your phone (the reason I'm gonna root the next one I buy).

If that's the only way, I'll replay it! Thanks for considering another option though.


Wouldn't it work if you hooked up your phone to PC then? On PC you still get full access to folders, if I remember correctly.

No, doesn't work. It says I don't have permission, even when using adb.

After purchasing the game when i tried unpacking the zipfile i got the error: Unexpected End of Archive.
According to my google searching this is most likely due to the current download files being corrupt. this is a real shame because i really enjoyed the previous game from this developer: MIST.
i hope this gets fixed soon.

Deleted 1 year ago

This is actually a problem for a bunch of NSFW devs right now, all reporting the same issue. Thanks for pointing it out to me.


So, the issue hasn't been resolved by Itch yet, but people have found a workaround. When you go to download the game, there is small grey text in the bottom right saying "Downloads not starting?"

Click on the text and then check the box to enable alternate download mode. It's slower, but it works.


Thank you! This fixed it and i was able to play the game, i've been loving the new story you're crafting and the new minigames are a lot of fun with my favorite being the shop for sure, can't wait to see how the game develops!


What is genre of the game’s story?🤓


I'd describe it as a dark fantasy mystery plot.

with suffering or agony? 🥺


I'm not sure what qualifies as suffering or agony for you. You'll accompany the girls you meet in this game through tough times but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. I wouldn't call the games contents extreme, but not trivial either.


That’s does make sense to me, thank you for your answer.🤗


any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 


There's light femdom in the game and the characters name is Enna. Most sexual scenes in the game are avoidable, the ones with light femdom too.


So... how long it will take to become a completed project?


probably a while, Mist was indev for quite some time. If you're getting impatient you can download the Ren'Py sdk from and the blender sdk from and see how long a game takes to make. 


Peep is a real one. MIST was a work of art; quality takes time. I hear you tho, UWU. It's hard to be patient for  a 395. Keep those donos up so our dude has capital to work that magic.


If this turns out even half as good as Mist then it'll be more than worth the wait.


Like any game, it'll take quite a while. I completed MIST in three years total. Children of Morn will need a bit more time than that, so I'm guessing three years from now on.


well, if this game turns out anything like mist it will be well worth the wait!


Just bought it (out of respect for MIST, which I liked also for story and atmosphere), really like the first chapter and the direction.

how do i update it? download game new ? 

Yes, whenever there is a new update you need to download the whole game.


What music did you use at the beginning? It sounded great!


The soundtrack was specifically made for Children of Morn. All tracks are original pieces by a talented composer I'm very close with.


will there be incest as in MIST? 

and femdom is avoidable?

thx for answers.


There won't be any incest content in Children of Morn. And there isn't any in MIST. I think you're referring to a fan-patch of the game.

And for the second question. Femdom as a sexual fetish is avoidable, as most of the games erotic scenes will be.

Ich habs trotzdem gekauft. Unterstützung ist wichtig.

this in Spanish?


No, it isn't.

Wird das spiel in deutsch erscheinen?

Das kann ich dir nicht genau sagen. Im moment nicht, das könnte sich aber irgendwann ändern. Wenn du es nur auf Deutsch spielen würdest, rate ich vom kauf ersteinmal ab.


For those of you wondering, "Is this game worth it?" Yes, yes it is. It is very clear that the developer has spent an insane amount of time and work into making this everything it can be. I've played a LOT of these games and eventually you start to see that most have the same assets that are tweaked to suit their needs. I can usually find that they share similarities. That is not the case here.

You literally cannot find anything out there in ANY other game that looks like what you will find in this dev's games. Go ahead. Try. The only way to explain this is that the dev has painstakingly created every asset both in the models and the background from scratch! Not only that, but he takes the time to code in the systems necessary to make this feel like a game. Not just another open world visual novel. This feels like a very cinematic and story driven game, but a game nonetheless. You have goals, quests, resources, it is possible to die in it! I have seen games that were far more rushed and far less in terms of story, content, and work for far more than what is being charged here. I applaud you 395games. You blew me away with making a Renpy game that was a full on survival game with combat mechanics. You've done it again here and I know for a fact that it will only get better from here. Thank you.


Hey, I think I never officially replied to your comment. I wanted to say thanks for acknowledging my efforts and enjoying my games. I'll make sure to keep going just like that and make Covenant of Morn another great experience that you'll never forget. I get a lot of criticism for this game, on some platforms outright hate, I mean just look at the downvotes on your comment. So it feels special when someone sees what I put in and trusts in my skills. It helps me ground myself, so thank you very much.


Clearly the average poster on itchio is not indicative of the AVN community at large. They're just the most vocal. Everyone I have talked to among the various communities I am in holds up Mist as one of the best games they've played in a long time. Several developers I am friends with credit you as being the inspiration by which they decided to try not just having the medium be a simple choose your own adventure where the only choices are which girl you want to be with.

The fact of the matter is, you are treading your own path. There is nothing out there like the work you produce and basic bitches are gonna basically bitch. So anything that deviates from the same old tired formula is going to be hit with hate and complaints. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, though. Innovation is the means by which we progress and make something fantastic that the world has never seen before. Take that to heart, and never let the bitching and moaning and whining of some vocal minority get to you and stop you on this mission you've set for yourself. If there is ever anything I can do to help, let me know.

Is it normal that there's only the android version ?

I made a mistake with the uploads and quickly had to update the files, everything should be downloadable now.

Thanks for the response and I am excited to test this update

is there any possibility to purchase the game on a different way then creditcard or paypal, i dont have any of those

Right now I'm only selling it on itch.Io and Patreon. I'm planning a Steam release, but not until the game has much more content.

(1 edit) (-1)

I got this in a bundle with Mist. It looks very promising so far. The writing and animations look top notch, and the sound is nice too.

My only point of critique so far is that the scenes are just so dark, and I had the same problem in Mist. It doesn’t help that a lot of background characters are these dark, reflective blobs. Not sure yet whether there is a story reason for this, or just an early placeholder. At least the vessels in Mist were matte with emissive effects, which made it easier to make out their poses in dark environments.

I don’t know if you can make a brightness slider for a game like this without the scenes simply looking washed out. I’d love it if you could add more light sources to a shot to cancel out some of the shadows. It’s a really beautiful game, and I’d rather have some candles or glowing magic orbs or whatever appear in a scene without an explanation how they got there, than to miss out on the details.


If i purchase it once, do i get it forever?




Loved Mist and I'm excited to see where this one goes, great start so far in my opinion


any plan to release it on Steam?


I'm planning to do so, but that'll still take a long time.


Thank you for getting back to me! It's good to know there are plans for a Steam release. I'm looking forward to this because I always hear good things from your previous work.


If this is /at least/ as good as Mist was, then this is money well spent. Looking forward to it!


after playing through mist we all already know this is gonna be top quality next paycheck ima buy this and mist on itch so i have em forever


Just to clarify - if I buy now will I need to buy the full game later again or is it basically an "early bird offer"?


If you buy it now you own it forever and with every future update.


I'm sorry that I can't support your work but I hope this becomes a masterpiece just like or even better than mist.


Honestly after playing the demo I know it's going to be a good game. But I've been subscribed to you for a while and I absolutely love mist so I had no doubt that it would have been good. I would like to ask if this is going to be a purely detective base game? And if so will that be different routes and consequences for our actions?


Like MIST, I don't see this game as a traditional visual novel. There is exactly one story that will be told. You'll have freedom in your exploration and interactions with the girls, but the story won't change all too much based on your choices.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Yep, and like MIST, you can make choice according to your heart, and not worry about messing up any relationship with any characters. It's AWESOME!


Please tell me there will be combat mechanics, leveling system with upgradable stats and skills to unlock?

So we as a player can build our own mc thru choices such as personality, combat build/class etc to make the game more immersive

Btw I did play MIST

It's one of my favourite 


Children of Morn won't feature the RPG mechanics that MIST had. There will be things to progress and unlock, but this time around those systems will be more focused on the girls, not the MC. You'll see more of the mechanics that Children of Morn has to offer in the coming updates.




Sounds like fun!


Will machine translation options be added in the future, for example Japanese, Chinese and Korean?


I haven't planned anything like that as of right now.

as I haven't really bought much here on Itch, if I buy the game as it is now, will I have to pay for it again when the price for the game increases?


You buy it once and you'll own it. Even when I eventually increase the price for the game you'll still have access to it.


thanks, I just wanted to confirm


I love the outfit design. I really enjoyed Mist, and if this game is similar in quality, I really look forward to it!

(2 edits) (+4)(-2)

I like to prioritize supporting indie devs that don't string along their supporters, so this was an easy buy for me.  

There isn't a ton of content yet (v0.1) but the "quality over quantity" approach with CoM really helps it stand above other games of its kind, at least for me.  The graphics are crazy good and I'm really looking forward to seeing the mystery aspects of the game develop in future versions!  

Bonus points for building all of the content from scratch instead of just using HoneySelect characters and premade sounds!  

(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

Hell yes! Mist was effing amazing! I'll probably go back and replay it after some time has passed. So you know gd well I'm gonna check this one out.


Sorry for read it as Children of Mom


I liked Mist very much but my question here is, there's no free version like Mist? because it's worth it but i can't afford it right now


Yes, this time no free version. I'll include a demo in the future, but with only version 0.1 being out there isn't really enough content for a demo just yet. I made this change to align Itch with my Patreon, so you either pay 5$ a month for Patreon, or 10$ once here on itch.


Then i'll buy it ASAP


I played Mist and now, let's go!

Downloading Children of Morn first and playing it tomorrow!

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