Monday Update #93 | Failure and the Release

I had planned to use the last two weeks entirely for the finishing touches, instead I had a huge hardware failure and turned into a stresed out IT guy. But nonetheless I'm happy to report that I still got things done and it won't push back the release too much. Everything new:

  • I'll keep it short this time, I did a stupid amount of little miscellaneous things. Fixing a bug here, changing the audio levels on a sound effect there. Rerendering a noisy image, changing a few lines for smoother dialog, tweaking the text box here, including a few new accessibility options and on and on and on.
  • What is noteworthy, Is that I rerendered almost every render of version 0.1 and also did rewrites of 0.1 the story itself didn't change, it is already set in stone after all, but I smoothed things out and improved the flow and narrative a little bit. With the additional content of 0.2 it was easier for me to assess the overall pacing and visuals, while I learned some important new skills in rendering with the new engine I'm using and decided to make the adjustments now, before new content is introduced.

And that brings me to the release of Version 0.2. I planned to announce that I'd be able to get the new update out at the end of the week, but after some strange issue with Windows not recognizing my GPU's, I couldn't render anything for several days. I did a lot of troubleshooting and fixing and had to reinstall Windows, which isn't a huge problem, but getting all my tools and addons and drivers installed again easily took a full day. My PC is still not fully repaired and I can only use one of my 2 GPUs, but that is enough to get the update out.

So, the release for Version 0.2 will be next week. I can't tell exactly on which day, as it depends on how quickly I can get everything done, but I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to get it out. So watch out for the Patch-notes, some time next week.

 And that is all from me, until next time : D

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Looking forward to the release!