Monday Update #112 | Getting Close

Two weeks have passed and it's time for a new Monday Update. In the one hundred and twelfth installment I'll talk about getting close to the finish line for version 0.4 and about the steps that still need to be taken before it can be released.

What I did in the past two weeks:

  • Writing: It's pretty much done. Of course I'll do some final changes and adjustments after the editing is done, but that's it.
  • Images: Also, pretty much done. Maybe 5-10 renders still need to be finalized, that's it.
  • Animation: Done as well. All that's left is to rerender a few hundred frames because I forgot to check a box and a part of the actress was missing while rendering. No big deal.
  • Gameplay: The gameplay parts for 0.4 are done.
  • Sound: The sound is also almost done and dusted. I only need to finalize the moans and breaths and whatnot for the actress.
  • Editing: StrayHero informed he that he thinks he's about 75% done with the editing.
  • Polishing: I did a polishing pass over the existing content and will do the rest after the editing is done.

Count that up and version 0.4 is indeed close to being finished. As soon as StrayHero is done with the editing I'll move in to put on the finishing touches. How long that'll take? I don't know exactly.

The past has proven that StrayHero's feedback is invaluable and I want to have to time to really consider it and maybe make some according changes before publishing the update. But all considered, I'm pretty certain that you'll get it Mid-August, maybe even a bit earlier if things go well. If not, a bit later.

But that's it from me for the day. My machine will keep rendering for the rest of the day while I'm gonna get myself some ice-cream to survive the summer heat!

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