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(1 edit)

Just a spelling error report, when you hold the meeting after meeting Mia she says trainig instead of training. I love the game so far! awesome animations by the way!

Do you know any other games similar to this game?

where can i find natural rock's that's gonna help me to build room in basement. I already explored a whole forest. please help!

In the river


Great game and story

How do i swap pages in the gallery on Android?


Press the "Page 1/2" and it will swap page

(1 edit) (+1)

"1/2" part (for new people)

Thanks dude.

I still ask the author to add Chinese. I like this game very much, but I can't understand this language. I need a translator. I spent 17 hours relying on the translator to finish all the content now. Please understand the request from a foreign friend.

Oh, damn, the original materials need to be selected, and then they will be available in a few days. I thought I was looking for them once. Oh, my God, I'm so stupid.

where can i find the next strain for the garden in the city

There you are. Please reply to the bath built for mia. I can't find any wood. Can you tell me where there is?


You have to make mia get the wood. It's at the kitchen


No, I only have a piece of wood left in the kitchen. There is no place for me to cut down trees.

I like this game very much and recommend it to my friends. They also like it very much, but the language problems reduce the game experience. I hope the author can consider adding a Chinese translation. I really like this game.


This is the best VN I've ever played!

Everything from each of the character's backstory to the almost lovecraftian plot mixed in with the turn-based combat, keeps the game exiting from a plot perspective.

And the harem style dating-sim-esque aspects of the game really mesh well with the main plot, and I love the way all the girls interact with each other, the dialog feels genuine and that's a hard thing to accomplish, this game is very self aware about the silly aspects of it, but the overall theme is solid. 

I think that Mist has been really able to set itself apart from the other erotic titles on, and i can tell its definitely a labor of love.

Keep up the good work!

And as soon as I can afford, you've got another patreon.

P.s. I hope you don't retroactively change things up too much with the new patch, for what its worth I love this game exactly how it is!

Especially that doggy scene with Mia UwU!

the version written on my phone is 0.7.1 but its actually 0.7.2 but im not here for that. Next update when

Soon. Before the end of the month on Patreon and a week later here according to the latest devlog.


Amazing game you have man !! i gladly buy it when it'll be complete. Keep up the good work dude 

Been 2 days and i still don't know how to lire the shadow away. Help

you have hints in your menu man, you have to go to the lake if you want to lure the shadow on the roa

Figures out already but thanks anyway

I playing on mobile and stick bc the screen asking e buttons but I .not play PC is there a way around it

There should be a skip button in the lower right corner.

Ill try again and see if that works

Oke I Am Waiting For The next update and if there a new version And i download again are my progrees Will gone? Btw story' Is Epic Well I Hope There more story

The saves should transfer so you can just keep playing in the next version.

where is the strain in the city for the garden

when i try to open the game it opens but then closes

I really enjoy the pacing of the game!  Heavy moments are often intertwined with lighthearted moments, and it works quite well.  Loving the Persona style exploration missions and requesting help from the team.

One of the best, well-fleshed out VN I've played in a while. Some writing mistakes here and there, but it doesn't take too much out of the story for me. Really excited for the next patch!


Would you ever consider adding a patch to remove the, ehem "childhood friend" stuff? I understand that patreon has gotten super strict with that stuff, but Ive seen other AVN add the option to set what a character's relationship is, or simply add a patch to fix the dialogue. Its an extremely well written game, which makes it very immersive. But that one aspect really took me out of it, in my head I have to replace the awkward phrasing and its hard to ignore. Just a thought. Otherwise its amazing. Unique art style, cool story, surprisingly engaging gameplay loop for how simple it is. Really enjoying it


I am adressing the issue with a few slight rewrites in the next update, smoothing out Lily's backstory and adjusting the dialogue.

Deleted post

Thanks : ) And it came from my bedroom... That's where my PC stands^^

Great job well.done sir

(1 edit)

What is this curse thing that I seemed to have picked up?  It raises by 5% each day.  What happens at 100% and how do I get rid of it?


The game tells you in game what it is.  When it hits 100, you are weak, bring it to 0 by growing blue flowers and making tea in the kitchen.

I think this is the best sex game I have ever played. I just finished the current patch and pay for the game, it deserves it.

How to create fence? I click on it but nothing happening

Got go kitchen have materials them click build


I just played this all night and it might be the best porn game I've ever played. Story was frankly top notch. I look forward to more!


Dear developer,

I just finished the most recent patch of your game and I must say, this has been amazing so far! The story telling, visuals, and musical ambiance has been stellar! Each character's individual personality is nice and well written. From start to finish of my gameplay I only noticed a handful of broken or off written sentences which is outstanding compared to other visual novels I have played through. I can't wait to see how the story further develops in the future. Keep up the hard work!


Such a beautiful game, I look forward towards the next series of content ^.^

I can't enter the bedroom because it stars a sex loop with Robin. Any help with this?

That's unusual. Kinda sounds like a savefile problem to me. Is this your first time playing or are you a returning player? If so, best read the Development Log I posted for 0.7.2b that explains some of the issues with older saves.


Why is this game a literal masterpiece


I am trying my best,  thanks for the praise^^

keep up the good work, if i could i would give it a 100/5, was one of the few game’s i couldn’t wait to play after i got home

Great game, but can't reach the end :( I have completed all the "quests", but the game stops me from getting to the door and releasing Noreia. Anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong??

you have to finish all the other quests.

Yup, you are right. There was one quest that I missed entirely. I got to the end and now can't wait for the next update. Thanks for your advice, and congrats to 395games for creating such a great VN.


Can anyone please help me? I can't find the axe 


it´s on the lodge, you have to go up the elevator.

Amazing, game ... the stylization, the survival, and the plot  ... I am at an unexpected endpoint. I just got Lily back and headed to Noriea. There is nothing to interact with and my only quest is "look for the crack" (where his mental image is week). I peeled back some save points and I cannot seem to find a way to avoid this dead end. Thanks


Ah thank you, the throne is clickable. Game done, "this is the end of current patch 0.7.2" and hour later. Great game.

How can i get closer to the story bc the shadowman on the street cant get cross help pls

Get the pot from the kitchen,  go to the lake and lure him away. Then go down the road.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey, quick question - When we see the green up-arrow next to the menu icon at the top left - what does that signify?

Also, when there are heart icons blinking by the girls' head icons in the top 'room map' - what do those signify is happening?  

[scrncap attached, cropped to limit spoilers]



It means you are getting a morale boost the next time you enter a dungeon. +20 stamina that is. And the hearts tell you that there should be a special event happening with the girl either right now or soon.


How can you come across the shadowman on the street pls help im frustraiting

Thanks, boss.

I'm pretty well into this game and I'm really enjoying it.  The characters, the animations, the textures on their skin, etc. looks excellent.  The ambient music is beautiful and each track, for its respective scenario, seems to set the right feel for them.  Great balance of ominous to warmth to humor, and of course sexuality.

The Noreia character is really interesting and beautiful and her arc is exciting as well.  I don't really have any gripes at all, just wanted to report my enjoyment and respect for a job well done so far.  I'll look forward to your future works as well.  Thanks for sharing this story!

Can't wait for part two my dude. I'm hoping to see Noriea teach us some more magic.

Como consertar o machado

E onde e a sala de segurança do chalé 

Tô na versão 0.7.1

Por favor não consigo passar dessa parte


Hey man , I am web and app developer do let me know if I can help or contribute to any of your projects. I'll love to work and learn 🙂


Can you say how you can cross the shadowman on the street pls

Do i need to download the file again to update the version ? Or it gonna update when im enter the game ?

You need to download it again, but the new version isn't out yet. The early access will be this week on Patreon, the full and free release will be 7 days after. You need a little bit more patience : )

(1 edit)

it wont let me talk to lily in her new room what do i do

Go to sleep and wait for a day.

(1 edit)

ok thank you

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